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Humans did not have a scientific understanding of the causes behind these disasters.

The proportion of people involved in agricultural activities has decreased significantly compared to the overall population growth.

The population growth has outpaced the rate of food production

(i) Man didn’t succeed
(ii) Population growth continues to outstrip food production measures
(iii) Personification

The implementation of drastic birth control measures.

(i) Noun phrase.
(ii) Its function in the sentence is to describe the positive trend or growth of food production over time.

(i) Checked – Controlled, curbed, limited, regulated
(ii) Yield – Output, produce, harvest
(iii) Conquer – Overcome, defeat, master, subdue
(iv) Gaping – Wide-open, cavernous, vast
(v) Outstrip – Surpass, exceed, outrun, surpass

– The auditor will assess the home’s energy efficiency, identify areas consuming the most energy.
– He propose solutions to lower energy usage and costs for homeowners and renters.

They have the expertise and knowledge to identify a range of flaws.

-Flaws that might result in energy inefficiency in a building include inadequate insulation, construction flaws, and uneven heat distribution.

– Homeowners can take measures such as replacing incandescent lights with LED bulbs
– They can take measures by sealing leaky windows with caulk or opting for double-paned windows to save money on energy costs.

Insecurity is the bane of this country

Insecurity has become a dark cloud that hangs over our beloved nation, casting a shadow of fear, uncertainty, and despair. It is an issue that has permeated every aspect of our society, from the streets of our cities to the remote villages in the countryside. Nigeria, like many countries around the world, is grappling with a myriad of security challenges that threaten our peace, stability, and progress.

The scale and complexity of insecurity in Nigeria are truly alarming. From terrorism to armed banditry, kidnapping to communal clashes, and cultism to cybercrime, the country is plagued by various forms of threats that constantly undermine the well-being of its citizens. The consequences are dire and far-reaching, affecting not only individual lives but also the nation’s economy, development, and social fabric.

One of the most devastating effects of insecurity is the loss of innocent lives. Every day, we hear heart-wrenching stories of people being killed in senseless acts of violence. Families are torn apart, communities are shattered, and the collective sense of security is eroded. The human cost of insecurity cannot be quantified, but it is a wound that runs deep and leaves lasting scars.

In addition to the loss of life, insecurity also hampers economic growth and development. Foreign investors are wary of committing their resources to a country where their safety cannot be guaranteed. Domestic businesses struggle to thrive under the constant threat of attacks, kidnappings, and extortion. Insecurity breeds a climate of fear and uncertainty, stifling innovation, investment, and job creation. It hampers the country’s potential and slows down progress in all sectors.

Moreover, insecurity undermines social cohesion and trust among citizens. When people live in constant fear, they become suspicious of one another, and a sense of community is fractured. The breakdown of trust makes it difficult for society to come together and address common challenges. It creates divisions along ethnic, religious, and regional lines, further exacerbating existing tensions and conflicts.

To overcome this formidable challenge, it is crucial for the government, security agencies, and all stakeholders to work together with a sense of urgency and purpose. Law enforcement agencies need to be adequately equipped, trained, and motivated to effectively tackle insecurity. Intelligence gathering and information sharing must be enhanced to proactively identify and neutralize threats before they escalate.

Equally important is the need to address the root causes of insecurity. Poverty, unemployment, and inequality are often breeding grounds for criminal activities. By investing in education, job creation, and social welfare programs, the government can provide opportunities for the vulnerable and marginalized segments of society. Addressing these socio-economic disparities will not only reduce the incentives for criminal behavior but also foster a sense of inclusion and shared prosperity.

Furthermore, there is a need for judicial reform and the strengthening of the rule of law. Perpetrators of crimes must be held accountable through fair and transparent legal processes. This will not only provide justice to the victims but also act as a deterrent to potential offenders. Building a robust and impartial judiciary is essential for ensuring that the law is applied equitably and efficiently.

In the face of insecurity, unity and resilience are of paramount importance. Nigerians must come together, transcending ethnic, religious, and regional differences, to confront this common enemy. Civil society organizations, religious leaders, and community leaders have a crucial role to play in promoting dialogue, fostering understanding, and building bridges across divides.

In conclusion, insecurity remains the bane of our country, threatening our peace, stability, and progress. It is a multifaceted challenge that requires a comprehensive and coordinated response. By prioritizing security, addressing the root causes, strengthening institutions, and fostering unity, Nigeria can overcome this scourge and pave the way for a brighter future. Let us stand together in the face of adversity and work towards a safer and more secure nation for all.

Once upon a time in the bustling town of Prospera, there lived two friends named Oliver and Sebastian. Both were ambitious and had dreams of achieving great success in their lives. Oliver was a shrewd businessman who believed that wealth was the key to happiness. On the other hand, Sebastian was a humble and kind-hearted individual who valued integrity and reputation above all else.

Oliver and Sebastian embarked on their respective journeys to find their fortunes. Oliver sought every opportunity to make money, often resorting to questionable practices to maximize his profits. He cut corners, deceived his customers, and neglected the welfare of his employees. Despite accumulating immense wealth, Oliver’s actions caused him to be despised and mistrusted by the people of Prospera. His name became synonymous with greed and dishonesty.

In contrast, Sebastian chose a different path. He started a small bakery with the intention of providing the townspeople with fresh and delicious bread. Sebastian believed in fair pricing, excellent customer service, and using only the finest ingredients. His bakery quickly gained a reputation for its delectable treats and Sebastian’s warm personality. People flocked to his shop not only for the delicious bread but also for the friendly atmosphere.

As time passed, Oliver’s wealth grew, but he felt isolated and unhappy. His ill-gotten gains failed to bring him the respect and admiration he craved. People avoided him, unwilling to associate themselves with his tarnished name. The realization slowly dawned on Oliver that his riches were meaningless without the respect and trust of others.

Meanwhile, Sebastian’s bakery flourished. His dedication to quality and his honest dealings earned him the admiration and trust of the townspeople. Sebastian’s good name spread far and wide, attracting not only loyal customers but also business opportunities and partnerships. People valued his integrity, and his reputation opened doors that money alone could never have achieved.

One fateful day, a prominent investor named Mr. Caldwell visited Prospera. He had plans to open a chain of upscale restaurants across the region and was looking for a trustworthy partner. Aware of the town’s prosperous business environment, Mr. Caldwell sought recommendations for an honest and reputable entrepreneur. Everyone he asked pointed him in the direction of Sebastian, praising his fair practices and impeccable character.

Mr. Caldwell approached Sebastian, offering him an incredible opportunity to expand his business. Sebastian accepted the offer, and together they launched a successful chain of high-end bakeries that spread across the entire region. Sebastian’s good name and Mr. Caldwell’s resources formed a powerful partnership that propelled both of them to new heights of success.

Oliver, witnessing Sebastian’s ascent, realized the error of his ways. He realized that his relentless pursuit of wealth had cost him something far more valuable – his reputation. With regret weighing heavily on his heart, Oliver decided to change his path. He resolved to mend his ways, make amends for his past actions, and rebuild his name.

Over time, Oliver worked hard to regain the trust of the people of Prospera. He started a foundation to support underprivileged children, donated to charitable causes, and actively participated in community service. Slowly but surely, the people began to see the change in Oliver’s character. He was no longer defined by his past deeds but by his genuine efforts to make a positive difference.

As the years went by, both Sebastian and Oliver achieved prosperity in their respective fields. However, their journeys taught them an invaluable lesson. Sebastian’s good name remained a cornerstone of his success, opening doors and forging strong relationships. Oliver, on the other hand, understood that true wealth lay not only in material possessions but in the trust and respect of others.

In the end, it was clear that a good name was indeed better than riches. Sebastian and Oliver realized that integrity, honesty, and a genuine concern for others were the true measures of success. The people of Prospera celebrated their redemption, and the saying “A good name is better than riches” echoed throughout the town, reminding all who heard it of the enduring value of character and reputation.




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