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Answer FOUR questions in all. answer at least one from each part.



Good Parental Responsibility refers to the role and duties of a parent in raising and nurturing their children in a responsible and loving manner. It encompasses providing for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, setting appropriate boundaries, teaching values and morals, and being actively involved in their growth and development.


King Asa demonstrated good parental responsibility by taking measures to promote the worship of the true God and eliminate idolatry in the kingdom of Judah. He removed the foreign altars, pagan idols, and high places, and commanded the people to seek the Lord and keep His commandments. Asa’s actions aimed to create an environment conducive to the spiritual well-being of his people, including his own children, by leading them to follow God’s ways.




The division of the kingdom of Israel during the reign of King Rehoboam can be attributed to several causes. One major factor was the oppressive rule and heavy taxation imposed by Rehoboam. When he succeeded his father Solomon, the people of Israel, through their representative Jeroboam, approached Rehoboam with a request to lighten their burdens. However, Rehoboam chose to listen to the advice of his young and inexperienced peers instead of the wise counsel of the older advisors who had served his father. The young advisors encouraged Rehoboam to increase the people’s burdens, asserting his authority and power. This decision proved to be disastrous.

The people of Israel, feeling the weight of Rehoboam’s oppressive rule, became discontented and rebellious. Led by Jeroboam, they refused to accept Rehoboam’s authority, and the kingdom split into two: the northern kingdom of Israel, with Jeroboam as its king, and the southern kingdom of Judah, with Rehoboam as its king. This event marked the beginning of the divided monarchy in Israel.

Another cause of the division was the religious factor. Solomon, towards the latter part of his reign, turned away from the Lord and allowed idolatry to infiltrate the kingdom. He built high places for foreign gods, and his many foreign wives introduced pagan worship practices. This departure from God’s commands led to a spiritual decline in the kingdom and a weakening of the people’s faith. When Jeroboam led the rebellion, he capitalized on the religious dissatisfaction and positioned himself as a champion of true worship, promising to restore the people’s devotion to God.

Furthermore, the division was influenced by historical tensions between the tribes of Israel. During the reign of Solomon, the tribes of Israel had felt a sense of resentment due to heavy taxation and forced labor imposed on them. The burden of supporting the opulent lifestyle of the king and the centralized administration created a sense of inequality among the tribes. Jeroboam was able to tap into this dissatisfaction and rally the northern tribes against Rehoboam’s rule.


(i) Pride leads to downfall

(ii) It teaches us the importance of obedience to God’s commands and the repercussions that disobedience can bring.

(iii) It teaches us the importance of remaining faithful to God and following His commandments

(iv) It serves as a reminder that knowledge alone is not enough; it must be coupled with righteous action

(v) This serves as a reminder that our choices and behaviors can impact future generations.




Humility is a virtue characterized by a proper understanding of oneself in relation to God and others. It involves recognizing our dependence on God’s grace, acknowledging our own limitations and weaknesses, and esteeming others as more important than ourselves. Humility is marked by a lack of arrogance or pride and is often associated with meekness, gentleness, and selflessness.


(i) Selflessness

(ii) Gentleness

(iii) Teachability or willingness to learn

(iv) They are peacemakers


(i) God exalts the humble

(ii) Humble individuals have access to God’s wisdom and guidance

(iii) God gives grace to the humble

(iv) Humble individuals experience deep and meaningful fellowship with other believers




Paul’s teaching on the use of individual talents in the church is primarily found in passages such as Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4. Paul uses the analogy of the body to illustrate the interdependence and diversity of believers within the church.

Paul emphasizes that each believer has been given spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit for the common good. These gifts vary among individuals and include abilities such as prophecy, serving, teaching, encouragement, giving, leadership, and more. Paul affirms that these gifts are distributed according to God’s grace, and no gift is more important than another. Every member is essential and has a vital role to play in the functioning of the body of Christ.

Paul encourages believers to exercise their gifts diligently and faithfully. He exhorts them to serve one another in love, using their talents for the edification, encouragement, and strengthening of the church. He emphasizes that the purpose of these gifts is not for personal glory or recognition but for the building up of the body and the advancement of God’s kingdom.

Furthermore, Paul highlights the unity and interconnectedness of the body. Just as different parts of the physical body have different functions but work together for the overall well-being of the body, so should believers function in unity, cooperation, and mutual support. The diverse talents and gifts within the church are meant to complement and benefit one another, creating a harmonious and effective body of believers.


(i) Paul’s teaching underscores the importance of unity within the church, despite the diversity of gifts and talents.

(ii) Paul’s teaching encourages believers to exercise their talents with humility and a servant-hearted attitude.

(iii) Paul’s teaching reminds believers that they are accountable to God for how they use their individual talents.



Dorcas, also known as Tabitha, was a disciple in Joppa known for her acts of charity and making garments for the widows. However, she fell ill and died, causing great grief among the believers in the community.

Upon hearing about Dorcas’s death, the disciples sent for Peter, who was in a nearby town called Lydda. Peter immediately responded to the call and came to Joppa. When he arrived, he was taken to the upper room where Dorcas’s body was laid out for burial.

Peter asked everyone to leave the room, and he knelt down and prayed. Filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, he turned toward the body and said, “Tabitha, arise.” Miraculously, Dorcas opened her eyes and sat up. Peter reached out his hand to her, helped her to her feet, and presented her alive to the believers.

The news of Dorcas’s resurrection spread throughout Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord as a result. This remarkable event demonstrated God’s power over death and served as a testimony to the truth of the Gospel. Dorcas’s restoration not only brought her back to life but also brought hope and encouragement to the entire community.


(i) This account emphasizes the importance of unwavering faith and persistent prayer in seeking God’s intervention in challenging circumstances

(ii) This teaches us that even small acts of kindness can have a profound effect on the lives of others and leave a lasting legacy

(iii) It reminds us that miracles and supernatural occurrences can serve as a testimony to the truth of the Gospel and draw others to faith.

(iv) This teaches us that no situation is beyond God’s reach, and He is capable of turning sorrow into joy and despair into hope.



According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus’ trial before the high priest took place after His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus was led to the house of Caiaphas, the high priest, where the scribes, elders, and members of the Sanhedrin had gathered.

Inside the high priest’s house, false witnesses were brought forward to testify against Jesus. They made accusations of blasphemy, claiming that Jesus had threatened to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days. However, their testimonies were inconsistent and lacked credibility.

Caiaphas, the high priest, then confronted Jesus directly and asked Him if He was the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus responded, “You have said so. But I tell you, from now on you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.”

Upon hearing Jesus’ response, Caiaphas accused Him of blasphemy and tore his robes, considering it a violation of Jewish law. The religious leaders then proceeded to mock and physically abuse Jesus, spitting on Him and striking Him. They taunted Him, demanding that He prove His divine identity through prophetic insight.

After the trial before the high priest, Jesus was taken to Pilate, the Roman governor, for further examination and judgment. This marked the beginning of a series of unjust trials that Jesus would face before His crucifixion.


(i) The fear of physical harm or social rejection can lead to a denial of God

(ii) The desire for acceptance or popularity among peers and the pursuit of worldly pleasures can overshadow one’s commitment to God.

(iii) Doubt and spiritual struggles can weaken a Christian’s faith, making them vulnerable to denial

(iv) The pursuit of personal gain, material wealth, or success can lead Christians to deny God.


Min husnil islam. Marai tarkuhu mala yaanihi

Part of someone’s being a good muslim is his leaving alone that which does concerns him.

The Hadith makes it clearly forbidden to all muslim to interfere in other people’s affairs which does not concern them. A Muslim should not participate in the affairs of others unless is invited.


Hadith; Is defined as the saying, deeds or action of the holy prophet Mohammed (S.A.W)

Hadith is the saying and actions of the holy prophet while Quran is a word of Allah (S.W.T) which he revealed to prophet Mohammed through angel Jibreel


Jahilliyyah Period; means the time of ignorance, it is also refers to the period of babarism or period before Islam.

(i) Worshipping of idols
(ii) Adultery and fornication
(iii) Killing of female child
(iv) Stealing
(v) Gambling


Ghusul; Refers to the major ablution that entails washing the entire body in ritually pure water and is required in specified cases for both the living and the dead.

(i) Ghusul Janabat; Is a Ghusul performed after sexual intercourse/ejaculation.
(ii) Ghusal Hayd;This is purification after menstruation
(iii) Ghusal Nifas; This is following vaginal discharge after giving birth which can occur for up to six weeks after birth.
(iv) Ghusal mayyit; This is performed on a dead muslim



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